Our Mission

To bring glory to God by leading people in Solihull

  • to become intentional, faithful disciples of Jesus Christ, and

  • to enjoy knowing God

Our Vision

We have a vision for Solihull Presbyterian Church that applies in five functional areas: Worship, Community, Growth, Evangelism, Service.

In Worship:

We see a church where every member possesses a sense of the greatness of God and glorifying him as his/her ultimate aim, in both public gathering and private living.

In Community:

We see a church where 

  • every member has a strong sense of belonging to the church and to Jesus Christ

  • love amongst members is increasingly evident

  • members are committed to the spiritual growth of the other members.

In Growth:

We see a church where members

  • grow through excellent Bible teaching ministry.

  • have available know-how confidently to read, study and share the Bible with others.

  • have available routes for members to pursue advanced study.

In Evangelism:

We see a church that is active in bringing the gospel to Solihull at a variety of levels:

  • We see every member as a missionary to the people with whom they live and work.

  • We see a sending church that actively looks for those gifts, desires and callings that members have and nurture them in preparation for the mission field.

  • We see a planting church that will resource new churches in other parts of Solihull and West Midlands.

To these ends we look to God to build a church in Solihull that is sufficiently large to give the resources for this great vision.

In Service:

We see a church that is

  • committed to caring for one another.

  • actively involved in serving the wider community in various appropriate ways.

  • seen by the wider community as indispensable to its own good.

Our Values

We are

  • a Bible believing church - the words on the original documents written by the Bible's writers come from God and are true.

  • a gospel-centred church - the gospel presents Jesus Christ and his work so that people may believe and be saved.

  • a confessional church - we hold to a set of clear statements of belief which summarise what the church has historically believe. These are the beliefs the leadership “confess”.

  • a connectional church - we believe local churches are connected to other churches under Jesus Christ. So we are organised into a denomination and we relate to other gospel churches as closely as possible.

  • a prayerful church - the work is God’s but he involves us first and foremost by prayer.

  • a community - an individual who becomes a Christian is also added to the Father’s family and to the body of Christ (the church). It is in this new community that the Holy Spirit dwells. This has practical implications for how we love one another.

  • a reproducing church - the Great Commission of Jesus in Matthew 28:18-20 is not just about evangelising the world, but about planting and establishing churches. Our desire is to see new churches planted.

What We Believe

SPC is a presbyterian church and is part of the Evangelical Presbyterian Church in England and Wales (EPCEW). We hold to the ancient creeds of the Christian church:

  • The Apostles’ Creed

  • The Niceno-Constantinopolitan Creed

  • The Definition of Chalcedon

All of this is included in the more detailed Westminster Confession of Faith and Catechisms. You can read these from our denominational resource page.