Christmas Services

I want to invite you to our Christmas Carol Service this year. The reason is simple: we have a great story to tell about Jesus Christ.

Jesus is introduced as 'Immanuel' in Matthew's Gospel, which means, 'God with us'. That's who Jesus was and is - the God who came down as the Saviour of the world.

He was named "Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins.” (Matthew 1:21) Sin is a word we tend to ignore, but it is a problem that matters and goes deeper than we think. Only Jesus, the God-man is the answer.

So, please, come and pay us a visit this year. Directions are found on the front of this card. Eat some mince pies, sing some great carols, hear a great story! Find out why this message about Jesus is so important for our times, and important for you.

It would be a delight to meet you!

Yours faithfully,

Rev. Dr. Stephen Dancer